Sunday, August 23, 2009

myspace. forgotten.

I still prefer it.

sort of like beta or HD dvd format,

or plasma vs flat panel LCDs.

better doesn't always win.

but things change. I mean, I used to dislike oatmeal. then in college I tried peaches and cream oatmeal, and it was yummy. Now I even enjoy plain oatmeal.

so, what seems unpopular at one point, can eventually take the world by storm.

Thankfully God will win eventually. Even though it looks like He's far behind now.

yes, i think facebook is satan. jk

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


ok, I don't answer the door when I'm h0me alone. And I rarely answer the home phone. (I do answer my cell so, if I've not answered your call, I really couldn't get to it, I wasn't avoiding you)

I like to choose when to be around people, and choose who I want to listen to or talk with.

this is what I just posted on facebook:

-FB is information overload. I don't care if someone I don't konw at all commented on my friends status. And I really don't need an e-mail telling me such things. I'm a bit more pleased now that I edited my newsfeed. Now, how can I stop the e-mails telling me of the comments and goings on of total strangers who aren't on my friends list? I coud make a great hermit. or grumpy old man. minus the old and man part. -

Don't get me wrong. I like people. I have many friends. I like the people I go to church with. I like my neighbors, I like seeing the clerk at the grocery store. I'm a generally friendly, sociable person. It's the minutia that I hate...and this lost cow business is for the birds.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

deaf ear

"If you wake him up, you're nursing him."

Sadly, my threats are idle, and fall on a deaf ear, as my husband knows good and well there is no way I can back up that threat. That and my husband really is deaf in one ear. So, he continues to unload and load the dishwasher as our 5 week old son sleeps lightly about 20 feet away. I am thankful for that though. It gives me a chance to at least sit. And now, I shall try to "sleep when the baby sleeps". ..


"Sleep when the baby sleeps." is what everyone says. But what i never hear is do laundry when the baby does the laundry and use the bathroom when the baby uses the bathroom. I have however become quite good at eating when the baby eats - provided it's finger foods like a sandwich, or wont fall off a spoon; oatmeal is easy. I did drop corn chip crumbs on his eyelid yesterday... The tricky part is making the food an having it ready and nearby when I begin to feed him.