Wednesday, September 2, 2009


here are some thoughts from last weeks ss class.

I asked a pretty standard/generic question: what is a Christian, what does it mean to be a christian. This wasn't even what the lesson topic was on, but it's always a good idea to get a reading on what the class is thinking/their background/where they stand. That sort of helps me navigate through texts and guide the discussion.

back to the question.

I got accurate, but incomplete responses in my opinion. Now some would say that "there's no wrong answer" and that i "shouldn't have an answer in mind when I offer up a discussion question". Still, as class went on, I became increasingly disturbed by the (insert another word for inadequate) reply from seasoned Christians. As in, only partial meaning of what it means to be a Christian.

We heard the James answer of true religion is this, care for widows and orphans,
the John answer of to love one another,
the follower of Christ answer, the Love with HSMS and neighbor as yourself answer.
All of these are true.
We didn't hear the Micah act justly love mercy, walk humbly w your God one.

But as SDA Christians, There is a better answer. We as a church have emphasized the reality of the great controversy. Or we used to. Some congregations probably still do, but apparently mine does not.

To me, being a Christian means having victory. Over Satan. Being on God's team. think basketball here, if you're on the winning team, even the benchwarmer gets a championship ring. Granted, it's more fun to play, but sometimes the coach has other plans for you. I digress

So, yes, Christians should care for widows and orphans, they should love one another, they should follow the greatest commandment and the second greatest. but how? Because of who they are. Victors.

This is only a small small portion of what we talked about, and if I do compile the discussion into 1-3 sermon type talks they will be focused, and interesting.

To some this concept is "duh" very very basic. Well, yes. But to follow the scriptural referances for it is exciting and motivating at the same time. At least that's what class members said. And the Holy Spirit was very active, and apparently we were receptive last week. Amen.

this topic has been preached upon ad naseum. usually with the line "an apple tree doesn't make apples to make it an apple tree. It bears apples b/c it is an apple tree" or some such configuration of those words, making more or less sense depending on whether or not English is your first language.

i have the old hymn (is there a such thing as a new hymn?) "faith is the victory" playing in my head now.

So, i don't look like a preacher. or even a tentmaker. I probably look most like a fisherman, than any other biblical profession. I wouldn't be noticed or singled out as a Christian in the grocery store. But I am sure God used me with last Sabbaths discussion. It all clicked. The Holy Spirit brought to my memory multiple verses/texts that were relevant and people after class even told me this was exactly what they needed to hear.

If it's something other people need to hear, in the way it was outlined last Sabbath, then the Holy Spirit can remind me again of those verses, and this time, encourage me to write it down better.


from the title, this may seem like a serious blog. It isn't. It's another random posting from Katie. i guess it isn't all comedy, but i hope the style makes you smile.

So I looked at tabors blog. Its pretty. ok, manly, but pretty and organized well. ditto for Charissa.

Heather has informed me multiple times that mine is not. I also have a dirty house and a sick little boy. Well, he's feeling better and my house is cleaner. And truth be told it was just laundry and lots of paperwork cluttering it up, not dust or dirt. Still, I don't care much about organizing this blog better. I have no book to sell, or church to inform. I do admire the other blogs though. they look nice. for now, I'm happy to brush my teeth before 1PM.

Back to the title. My son is my priority. Not the dog, whom I love dearly, but was ready to give away tonight. Not because I was frustrated with him, but because my husband was mad at the dog. He is the best, most well trained dog I've ever had. he is friendly and loyal and i love him. but he's not a tiny indoor dog. He's a wild animal, with instincts. He likes to dig. at least he doesn't bark. anyway, i'm thankful jason said tonight he loves the dog more than the lawn too, because we can't have both. so, for jason, his priorities are God, Kt, Zeke, BlackJack then lawn.

I couldn't care less about the lawn. we live in a desert but everyone in this county tries to water their way into green grass. it's silly.

another thing I don't care much for is mandatory capitalization at the start of sentances. or when using the pronoun i. really. if you have a period, question mark or exclaimation point at the end of one sentance, why do you need to capitalize the next? don't worry Chris, I'll use proper punctuation and spelling when I write to the girls. I'm not opposed to it, i just don't want to have to do it. like most things i guess.

i do value sleep. and yesterday I got to mix both priorities of my son, and sleep. he slept on my chest/arm/side for 3 hrs straight. so I slept too.

So, with my son a top priority now, what else do i do? I still lead out in my SS class at church. For my 3 followers you know what that is. It has nothing to do with Nazis. However, that's a common accusation these days. I incidently also value my free healthcare, but that's a value, not a priority and I digress.

I make attending SS 2 x's a month a priority. For starters I feel blessed to have such a wonderful class, and that Jason watches Zeke if he's too fussy to bring into our class. And I've lead out/taught in that group for 4+ years now. They don't need me, (they say they do, but they dont) but i like it. Plus it's the 1 time a week I have other adults to talk with. So, i make that a priority. Jason goes the other 2 sabbaths while I watch Zeke. thats the plan anyway. I like the word "anyway".

what to do when priorities overlap? Like Charissa, I am compiling a book. Unlike Charissa, I have no deadine and probably won't finish. My sister too, needs to write an almost book. And she, like Charissa and myself, puts her offspring first, above writing.

I'm not sure what to do. So here I sit, 11:40 at night, not much sleep last night (remember the sick little boy, he was up every hour last night from about 3-4 on). I want sleep, I want to spend time with my husband (although he's sleeping now too), I want to hold my son. I want to write for the book, and I want to organize last sabbaths ss discussion into a sermon/talk. So instead, what do I do? I post this new blog entry while starting and finishing a bag of popcorn. Notice we don't say microwave popcorn? Isn't that the only type now? Anyway, losing weight is also a priority.

Can we just say my night from 10:45pm on has just been one big Romans 7:15?