Wednesday, July 22, 2009

what did I do with my childhood?

This kid makes could make us all wonder that:

He started when he was 9ish.

google him: Sung Ha Jung, South Korea.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I never doubted I'd be a good parent. I've not had much first hand practice yet, but I think I'm doing fairly well so far.

I will be the first to say that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing at times. But then again, look at the title of this blog. Really, I think things will turn out ok.

So it's 9:36 PM, my son is sound asleep resting limply on me. His pink face and occasional snorts accompanying the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest reassure me. He' s only 8# 11oz, but I feel as if the weight of the world is resting on my lap.

Monday, July 20, 2009


So, really, parents needn't stress about finding the perfect baby name for their neonate.

Sure, the birth certificate lady wants to know the baby name... but the baby's armband will just say "(insert surname here), boy".

And when the baby is being held, or otherwise tended to, he'll be referred to any and every possible ridiculous nickname other than his given first name. My favorite of the moment is Mr. McFarty, but top favorites also include Snorty McTorty (the Irish ones are popular now), sweet boy, little boy, little mister (of which for some reason I sing to him like Billy Idols "white wedding" ...hey little (mister) what have you done..." and Snapple (made from the best stuff on earth).

But I guess we should call him Zeke. How else will he learn it?

the first 3

the first 3 hours of labor passed slowly

the first 3 day of motherhood were a blur

the first 3 weeks were funny, tiresome, stressful and rewarding.

I had my abdomen cut open for Zeke's delivery, then 3 weeks later I had my wedding band cut off. That was honestly more upsetting than the cesarean.

But all that was temporary discomfort, physical or emotional. And now, as my son sleeps quietly, I wonder what the next 3 weeks will bring. For now, I'll enjoy him sleeping the next 3 hours.